just came home from a rather tiring trip to a flea market which was a by product of my annoyance with my teacher who decided NOT to show up for the only class that i have today(not that she is aware that i spend more than half my daily allowance for commuting) ... 'ergo, i treated myself to a spree since it's been a long time since i'd treated myself to one. anyway. i wasn't really pissed off that much. i'm still wide eyed and cheery from last night.
yesterday was deviance day, an annual celebration in the university where everyone gets to dress up and not be mauled for "deviating" from the ordinary (not that the students in the university are close to normal people). by "deviating" i mean running around in pajamas or your underwear, or even the lack of both. though i must say, this year's deviance wasn't that close to fun as it were back in the days. there were one or two oddballs: like one who cross-dressed as Lady Gaga(using a black plastic bag for his/her dress), or the other one who really looked like Cardcaptor Sakura which was just soooo adorable. other than that everyone else made it an excuse to go out in prom dresses and stuff, i mean, come on, this isn't an effing fashion show for crying out loud! back then people could really walk around in their birthday suit. this year's deviance, the organizers decided to deviate from that deviation and run a full on bold guideline to have 'minimum exposure' which means covering up what needs to be covered up. and that, in my opinion, totally blurs up the whole concept. so birthday suits were a zero this year. boohoo.
what was really altogether fun was the last part of the program. and what most of us were looking forward to: banda bandahan. for, i think, three long years my classmates have been itching to play. and that night was a dream come true. we played Oo by UdD and a duet, Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat. Oo was a last minute decision because my classmate was down with colds and couldnt do a solo, so he said i better take off for him, which on the lighter side i didn't object because it's always fun to sing, what more when you get to do it onstage. so yes, it was really fun. everyone knew the words, and they were singing altogether with us. we were kinda nervous because almost all the bands played rock/alternative and we were the only ones who mellowed down to sappy chick flick songs but well, they don't call it 'deviance' for nothing, right? lol. our classmates helped out big time. they were all running around and screaming like crazy. when the vids came out all you could hear were people singing and screaming with us. but it was all good, all fun altogether. definitely an experience worth doing all over again.:)

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